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Car Care TipsPromotions

How does rust damage your car?

Written by Liew Wen Jie

Rust, the enemy of metal, can silently wreak havoc on your beloved car over time. Cars in Malaysia get rusty easily because of the humid and wet weather. Understanding how rust forms and the detrimental effects it can have on your car is crucial for every car owner. In this article, we will explore the process of rust formation, the areas most susceptible to rust, and the potential consequences of leaving rust unchecked.

Scientifically termed iron oxide, rust is the result of a chemical reaction known as oxidation. When metals, especially iron and steel found in cars, come into contact with oxygen and water, a complex process ensues. The moisture in the air combines with iron on the metal’s surface, creating iron oxide – the reddish-brown coating more commonly recognized as rust.

Common rust areas

Cars are intricate assemblies of metal parts, each susceptible to rust in its own way. While rust can theoretically take root anywhere, it’s most common in areas directly exposed to the elements and those prone to trapping moisture. These vulnerable regions include:

  • undercarriage
  • wheel wells
  • doors
  • trunk
  • damaged car exterior

So be sure to frequently check these areas for any signs of the menace!

The detrimental effects of rust

Rust bubbles
Bubbles are a telltale sign of rust spreading under paint

The repercussions of unchecked rust on your car are far-reaching and can profoundly impact its performance, aesthetics, and safety:

Compromised Structural Integrity: Rust doesn’t merely affect the aesthetics; it can undermine your car’s structural strength. The weakened metal might not withstand collisions as effectively, putting occupants at risk should an accident occur.

Depreciation of Value: The presence of rust can significantly depreciate your car’s value. Prospective buyers often associate rust with poor maintenance and a shorter lifespan. This is especially true when you consider the next few points.

Expensive repair bills: Parts damaged by rust will need to be replaced. The more extensive the damage, the more needs to be replaced. As rust can spread underneath the protective paint layer from an exposed area, a full health check will need to be done to determine the full extent of the damage.

Performance Hindrance: Rust can impede the movement of crucial components, leading to friction, stiffness, and overall reduced efficiency. This is particularly true for parts like suspension systems and exhausts. This makes drives a lot more uncomfortable and adds to the already extensive repair bills.

Electrical Woes: Beyond the visible damage, rust can infiltrate the intricate electrical systems of your car. Corrosion of wiring and connectors can result in malfunctioning lights, sensors, and even critical safety features. You would want your check engine light to turn on when there actually is a problem, not when there isn’t one and vice versa. Replacing this wiring also does not come cheap.

Preventing rust damage


Rust in cars

As they say, prevention is better than cure. Especially when it comes to cars as the cure can be pretty expensive! Here are several preventive measures that can shield your car from rust damage:

1. Regular Washing and Waxing: Consistent cleaning and waxing form a protective barrier against environmental elements. This also prevents dust particles from scratching the paint. This is especially important due to the haze currently blanketing the country.
2. Fixing Paint Cracks and Holes: Promptly sealing paint imperfections prevents moisture from reaching the metal and stops the formation of rust.
3. Applying Rust Inhibitor: Treating susceptible areas with a rust inhibitor curbs the onset of rust. Do check with a mechanic to ensure that rust hasn’t taken root.
4. Park Wisely: Avoid parking in humid or soggy environments. Parking in humid places can result in rust forming in exposed areas.

How can you save your rusty car?

Once rust has taken root, it has to be eliminated, ASAP! You need to go to a trusted body & paint specialist like myTukar to get your car refurbished. At our refurbishment centre, your car will undergo a total transformation to be as good as new.

At our refurbishment centre, every car will undergo a thorough body preparation process to smooth out imperfections and remove rust. This is so that the car body will be perfectly level for the paint to be applied evenly. Our paint experts will colour match and mix a batch of paint either in the car’s original colour or a new colour chosen by the owner. Our technicians will then use modern, Japanese techniques to apply the specially mixed Nippon paint onto the car body. Once the paint has dried, the work will be thoroughly inspected to ensure the car is as good as new.

For a deep dive into our paint process, read the article below!

Why you should spray paint your car with myTukar

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