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Car Care Tips

How to Maintain Your Car and Prevent Breakdowns

Breakdowns are a common sight in Malaysia, particularly with the growing numbers of cars on the road. Over the last 5 years, the number of cars on the road have more than tripled, according to the Road Transport statistics. There are several factors contributing to the increased number of breakdowns in the country. At the top of the list is improper car service routine, lack of car maintenance, and complete ignorance.  

Prevent breakdowns by maintaining your car

In this guide, we’ll detail how to prevent breakdowns. After all, the old saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure’.

Weekly Checks

Firsts things first, there is a way to reduce risk by getting to know your car and ensure that it is regularly serviced. It is advisable to pay attention to the feel of the car or listen for unwanted sounds and noises, and investigate when you find them. Do not ever ignore warning lights. These weekly checks will help you to ensure your car is in optimum condition.

Bimonthly Checks

Inflate your tyres routinely

Check the car’s tyres’ condition and pressure once every 2 weeks. Next pop the hood to look at the coolant fluid levels, window wash liquid levels, engine oil stick, as well as adjust water nozzles if necessary. When you get in the car, pay attention to the fuel gauge, oil level and make sure your wipers are good, all the lights are functioning and the mirrors are clean and properly aligned to your field of vision.

Monthly routines

If you follow the weekly routines, your car should be in relatively good shape and would not easily breakdown. However, on a monthly basis, you should also inspect your tyres more carefully in addition to the regular weekly checks. Ensure the tyres’ tread is at least mm, and also look out for any uneven wear and pay attention to their general condition. If nothing is out of place, your car is still in tip top condition!

Prepare before any journey in case a breakdown happens

Even so, before any journey, it’s advisable to get clear directions and bring along items to help you cope in the event of a breakdown. Items include a GPS device, if your car or smartphone doesn’t already have it, extra clothing, your car manual, a first aid kit, spare bulbs or fuses, mechanic or breakdown contacts, a torchlight, high-visibility signs (warning triangle), tow rope, a phone charger, and a powerbank.

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