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Auto News

No More Extensions: SST Exemptions to End 30th June

The government has announced that the SST Exemption will end on the 30th June 2022. However, the government has noted the stock issues in the automotive industry caused by chip shortages, war, and the pandemic and allowed the exemption to remain for any cars booked before the deadline and registered before March 2023.

As such, although many car buyers will have to wait for months before receiving their car, they will still enjoy the SST exemption so long as the car was booked before 30th June 2022. It is still unclear if cars that are pre-booked before 30th June 2022 will receive the exemption.

As of now, there are 264,000 undelivered bookings according to the MOF.

Continue to follow this article to stay up to date with news related to the SST Exemption.

SST Letter

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